OBX Wave Report Feb 28 — Small and Glassy With More Waves in the Pipe

Small, glassy waves Tuesday are expected to improve on Wednesday as a swell arrives from an ocean storm to the east. Though the best waves are expected Wednesday, favorable conditions are expected to continue through early Friday.

Crystalline Blue 2-3 Foot Waves

2-3 foot waves at Jennette’s Pier on Feb 27. Brief surf session in which I was the lone surfer. Cold limited it to approx 35 mins. Not very good GoPro footage.

OBX Wave Report Feb 27 — Heat, Storms, Sea Level Rise, Waves

Good waves forecast this week as two fronts are predicted to sweep through, one tonight, and one Friday. The primary driver being an easterly wind pattern pushing swells in from the stormy, Winter North Atlantic. Larger discussion of climate change related impacts to extreme weather, heat, and sea level rise. Let’s get on board for the rapid global deployment of clean energy so we can save the OBX and so many other beautiful coastlines.

OBX Wave Report Feb 26 — 2-4 Foot and Glassy

Calming seas bring glassy 2-4 foot waves to the Outer Banks. California storms shift north. Stormy central to east this week.

Classic Outer Banks Swell

2-4 foot waves break at Loggerhead Access on Nags Head.

OBX Wave Report Feb 25 — Nor’easter Light

A light nor’easter sweeps across the Outer Banks bringing cooler weather, rain, and larger 2-4 foot surf. Weather expected to improve tomorrow with decent surf conditions expected. Out west, a severe storm system hammers California with heavy precipitation.

Stormy OBX Breakers

2-5 foot surf at Bathhouse on February 25.

Kite Surfers in the Distance

Two kite surfers carving some waves south of Avalon Pier.

North Winds, Pelicans and a Jellyfish

North winds kick up chop along the Outer Banks with waves expected to rise throughout the day.

OBX Surf — Pristine and Peaceful

Pristine and peaceful surf at Jennette’s Pier on February 24.

OBX Wave Report Feb 23 — Heat Records Shattered, Strong Winds as Waves Build

Slava Ukraine Friday for Future! Heat records have been shattered across the US southeast in the wake of a winter heat dome. Small, fun waves expected to build throughout the day as strong winds sweep in from the north. Storms to strike California, huge wave event for Central Atlantic, global heat in focus on this Friday for Future.

Little Rocket in the Hot February Sun

Small surf off Jennette’s Pier on an 80 degree day in February.

OBX Heat — 80 Degrees in February

Small waves at Jennette’s Pier with extreme winter heat in the 80 degree F range on February 23. That’s 27 degrees above average. In summer, it’d be equivalent to seeing a 114 degree F reading. Sick!

Climate Science Chat — Doom/Denial, Clean Energy, Sea Ice, Extreme Weather

A breakdown of this week’s chatter among climate scientists includes climate change denial, sea ice melt, extreme weather, and clean energy mass deployment. A special analysis of the positive impact of electric trucks.

OBX Wave Report Feb 23 — Southwest Winds and Winter Heat Continue

A major record-breaking heatwave grips the southeast as near gale force southwest winds run across the southern Outer Banks. Blizzard warnings remain up for parts of the US North. Passage of a front and northeast winds to bring better waves Friday through Sunday.

Review of GroPro Hero 10

The GoPro Hero 10 produces amazing high quality action videos. However, though the Quik app is relatively easy to use, it’s management of large files can be unwieldy and slow. Overall rating 8.5/10.

Stiff Southwest Wind Feathers a Mostly Blown Out Surf

Small 1 to 1.5 foot waves break at Jennette’s Pier as the swell fights against 20-25 mph southwest winds. No GoPro shots today due to battery issues. Blustery conditions chop up the audio a bit. Will likely be back for some live surf shots tomorrow.

OBX Wave Report Feb 22 — Winter Heat and Waves

Major storm system sets off blizzard conditions in central north. An freaky heatwave blankets the southeast. Warm ocean waters counter-balance El Nino in hurricane forecast for summer. Beginning of the end for sea ice? Waves are fun and small here in the OBX!

Fun Little February Surf Session

Abnormal warmth at Jennette’s Pier among the small knee high swells. Fun waves nonetheless. Temps in the upper 60s to lower 70s. Water temps around 50 degrees F.

OBX Wave Report Feb 21 — Winter Heat, Winds and Swell From South

Southeast heat builds to possible records, a 4-7 foot swell blows up from the south. To the north a major winter storm threatens from coast to coast. Strong ocean storms. And yes, clean energy helps us fight both Putin and climate crisis. Lots to talk about!